Saturday, January 15, 2011

I have hooked up the humbuckers and wired the guitar for coil tap as shown on the schematic. Now, instead of using the star grounding centering on the volume pot, I have it centering all together above the volume pot. (Of course, the volume pot case is connected to this bunch. I don't know why this wouldn't work just fine. Actually, I'm thinking it will work better!) I checked to ensure that no wire or component is touching anything it should not be and verified everything with my multi-meter several times. It should be ready to go.

In playing this guitar through a tiny Roland Micro-Cube, the coil tap works just like it is supposed to, and the selector switch changes the pickups exactly as planned. The tones sound great, partially because of the general harmonic response of the current set-up, and partially because of the wiring combined with these pickups. The coil tap out-of-phase single-coil sound I wanted is not coming through with a Fender Strat sound, but it is a single coil out-of-phase sound. On some settings, this guitar sounds exactly like an old Gibson with humbuckers playing through one of those first Fender amps. It even gives a little of the buzz (actually, a little too much buzz).

There is one significant drawback: There are actually no volume control and no full tone control. I'm thinking I must have made some mistake with the wiring. I'm going to need to study this for a while to figure out what happened.

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