Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In reassessing the Hondo II neck, I notice that the truss rod is the one-way type. The rod is set higher in the guitar neck than usual on other guitars. This causes it to take up much of the fingerboard wood and to exit high on the headstock. The neck itself is thin in shape, leaving little room for modification. Points in fact:
  • The wood removal needed to install a two-way truss rod would probably weaken the neck significantly.
  • The truss rod intrusion into the fretboard would require serious routing.
  • The existing neck may be repairable, but it would take much effort with no guarantee of success.
  • The fretboard is uneven and slants toward the bass side.

The following ten options come to mind:

  1. Replace the entire neck.
  2. Use the guitar as is.
  3. Convert it into a slide-only guitar.
  4. Keep as a learning example.
  5. Remove the fretboard and find/fix the problem with the truss rod or replace the truss rod.
  6. Sand a slight back bow into the fretboard.
  7. Try using lighter strings.
  8. Refret the guitar with wire having oversized tang.
  9. Burn the guitar or use for parts.
  10. Keep as an example of what not to buy and as a reminder not to buy from that particular shop in the future.

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