Sunday, July 4, 2010

Today is July 4th. Happy Independence Day!

Refretting this guitar neck the first time did not work out as well as I wanted it to, so I refretted it twice. While dressing it, I kept going, removing a little metal here and a little metal there. The process reminded me of what happens sometimes when I attempt to trim my sideburns while looking in the mirror: A little off the right, then a little off the left, then the right side still looks too long, so a little more off the right, then a little more off the left... Eventually there are no more sideburns left to trim.

I'll evaluate exactly what happened later. I told one of the local music store owners that the good thing about doing my own guitar work is that if I don't like the end result, I can just take it out and re-do it. Immediately he responded, "You wouldn't do that if you were working on a guitar for a paying customer, though, would you?" (but of course I would...I think?)

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