Friday, July 23, 2010

Assessment of Peavey T-60 Re-Work Completed Thus Far:

(1) I used epoxy glue based on information I found in Dan Erlewine's Guitar Player Repair Guide. Further on in the book, I learned that epoxy glue dampens resonation, which I did not intend. Right now I honestly can't seem to tell the difference, but maybe I will be able to later after I've worked on more guitars.

(2) Thinking more about resonation qualities of materials, it occurred to me that the Auto-Air finish might also act to dampen the resonation or change the tone. I can hear the difference in tone, but I don't yet know if the tone change is a bad thing or not. Of course, the graphite nut should lower or warm the tone, too, at least compared to the original brass nut.

(3) I had to refret this guitar twice because somehow I missed the part in Mr. Erlewine's book where he mentions that the truss rod should be re-adjusted with the strings off before leveling the frets. This method allows the frets to be leveled on a fretboard that's just as flat with strings off as it would have been with the strings on. I must have lucked out when leveling the fretboard itself because it seems to be okay.

(4) I can see a spot (just one) on the headstock where all the layers of paint have come up. I super-glued that back down with Extreme Power Thin Glue, but it makes me think that the paint didn't bond entirely well with the body; not bonding well with the body should inhibit the resonance. Or could it be that I forgot to put primer on the headstock?

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